Charis Bible College has blessed me in many ways

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Charis has blessed me in many ways, especially in the ways of learning the word. I grew up in a very legalistic background not really understanding who I was in Christ. I struggled with mixed identity issues in a lot of areas, but through Charis I have learned the word and who I am the teaching that most help me was understanding spirit, soul, body plus understanding that I didn’t lose my salvation every time I sin and how to walk out my freedom by his grace. Through his grace that we are saved not of the things we have done. These are the powerful truth. I have learned that I don’t have to work for my salvation, but the grace has already provided it for me all that I have to do is receive it

By faith I would recommend this teaching to anyone who needs to know the word of God, it’s giving me a foundation to stand upon, I no longer struggle I no longer see myself a slave to the former person that I was but I see who Christ has made me to be and I’m excited for what he is going to do in the next few years. where is he gonna take me? Where is his heart for me , and I believe he is showing me step-by-step of his heart for the Mennonite people of my community. Those have struggled with the same things that I have and he’s given me the tools to help along. It’s been a blessing and an honour to do first year online I’m looking forward to the second year, I’ve seen all that God’s gonna do and that year as well my testimony growing up with a Mennonite girl dressing, plain, trying to earn my salvation work for it doing all the right things, but missing the mark it wasn’t until the Lord led me on the journey in 2014 of discovering who my father is, he connected me to a lot of people around me those who give me life and spoke life into my life. I remember driving up to father‘s heart ministry to receive prayer because it was the first time that anybody has ever prayed for me and bless me the way they did.

I was so hungry for more, so I started searching, and as I was reaching out, I found things that I had not known about. I found out who my father was. Then I went through inner healing ministries to be healed of sexual issues that I had struggled with for most of my life, not really understanding , what it happened to me is a little girl of being sexually abused by my brothers, so I received healing for that Through a wonderful mentor in a friend who will allow me to talk about and to share with her all that happen when I still couldn’t really walk in the freedom she had given me until I got a hold of Charis in 2021 and started my Chairs journey. That’s when I can walk out the the freedom I got from inner healing and I know God is still doing work in that area then losing my mom in 2018 due to cancer was a journey for me as well I didn’t really have an understanding of the word the God heals I had known about it but I hadn’t really been able to understand that it was already done at the cross, but getting a hold of this truth has changed the way I see death as well even though my mom did not experience her healing on this earth she was already healed although I didn’t physically see it I know she has received her healing and heaven and she healthy and whole no longer. Does she have to struggle and this is what gives me hope I know where she is God has done so much in my heart, and in the journey that he started me on even when I was a child. He had me doing lessons in Bible club that I helped me looking back now. I see that I’ve always had a hunger for his word, a hunger for who he really is and I am blessed to have come across this ministry to receive from them.

The word of God has given me. Life has helped me to overcome because I am overcome!

– Laura Streicher