Charis Bible studies
Our goal is to connect believers who want a deeper understanding of God’s Word with a local group that teaches Andrew Wommack’s foundational messages. We are connecting believers with Charis Bible College graduates in neighborhoods across Canada. Through study and fellowship, they are empowered to take the Gospel into their sphere of influence.
CBS returns in Fall, 2024. Enjoy your summer! Coming up in September, we will resume with choices from our favourite CBS topics. We’d love to hear from you and to enrich your life, so please take a moment to browse the topic below and let us know your preference through the form
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Whether you are teaching a Sunday school class, leading a small group, discipling an individual, or studying Andrew’s book, Spirit, Soul and Body, on your own, this Study Guide is designed for you!
Each study is made up of a Lesson, a Lesson Outline, a Teacher’s Guide, Discipleship Questions, an Answer Key, and Scriptures. Some lessons also have Additional Information. Included inside the front cover is a CD-ROM. It contains the Lesson Outlines,
The longest conflict in history lasted 4000 years and ended in a decisive victory nearly 2000 years ago. Still, many have not yet heard the news and they continue to fight the battle of sin and judgment. On the cross Jesus said “It is finished,” victory was declared, and reconciliation began. It was the victory promised when Jesus was born and the angels declared, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).
Have you ever thought, I’m doing everything I know to do, what’s wrong with me? What’s it going to take to get God to move on my behalf? If you have, you’re not alone. It’s a question most Christians ask and yet remain frustrated with the answers they receive. The answers usually go something like this: If you will pray a little longer and with more sincerity, spend time fasting, read a few more chapters in the Bible every day, then God will answer your prayers.
Escape the highs and lows of Christian life and stay full of His presence all the time!
Learn as Andrew teaches how you can walk in the miraculous. It wasn’t just fate or luck that Peter walked on the water while the other apostles stayed in the boat. So, why do some people experience miracles and others don’t? If you will receive these truths, you can walk on water too.
You may be asking many of the same questions Andrew once did. Is prayer my Christian duty? Is prayer primarily about asking God to meet my needs and the needs of others? Is God’s answer to my prayer based on the degree of humility and sincerity? Is answered prayer a sovereign decision of God or do I have the ability to influence Him?
The controversial subject of the authority of the believer in Christ is widely discussed in the church today. Andrew Wommack, internationally known Bible teacher, brings a fresh perspective to this important spiritual truth that may challenge everything you’ve been taught including: If believers have been given authority, then when, how, and toward what should it be exercised? Don’t assume the answer; discover the true battleground and learn how to recognize the real enemy.
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Welcome CBC Alumni! This is your starting point to leading your own Charis Bible Study. By completing the application, you will be applying to become a CBS Group Leader.