Restore hope to humanity

Every day Andrew Wommack Ministries connects people around the world to God through the Gospel. Hurting people are transformed from the inside out as they learn what it means to love and to be loved – God’s way

Welcome to Andrew Wommack Ministries Canada

Discover the transformative power of faith and grace with Andrew Wommack Ministries, a leading Christian organization dedicated to spreading the message of God’s unconditional love and grace. Headquartered in Woodland Park, Colorado, our mission is to equip and inspire believers around the world through a variety of impactful resources and programs, helping them understand their authority and identity in Christ.

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Blessed is your generosity

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Partnered with AWM Canada


Graduated from Charis Bible College


Events held by AWM Canada


Free resources distributed in 2024


Hours worth of free teaching available


Our community loves to praise. Read some of the stories


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Save 30% on “Psalm 119 in Twenty-Two Days” Bundle

Are you wanting a deeper relationship with God? Do you wish you could see more clearly where He is leading you? Psalm 119 may be the longest chapter in the Bible, but if you commit twenty-two days to studying what it says, God’s Word will change your life like never before.