27 years of walking with the Lord – A testimony of faith

Unleashing the Power of Faith: Lessons from Andrew Wommack Ministries

I am a born again daughter of God as of July 13, 1997. I was 42 years young then. (Oh I told my age! lol)

The Holy Spirit was drawing me for months but I resisted because I wanted REAL or nothing. He had sent a man (born again) to spread truth to me. Finally one day another truth hit me again and I said I want to know the God that you serve. he prayed with me. he asked that God forgive me and give me a white gown. As he touched my face (it was like I touched an electric fence on the farm), a lightening bolt went from the tip of my head to the sole of my toes to say to me ” I’ REAL”. No one can even say to me that this experience never happened!

God knew this girl needed a jolt to get her started on the only path. The path of life in Jesus, the author and finisher of life. This was in just about 27 years. Oh where would I be without the Lord?! Who can I depend upon but the Lord! I remember my Opa praying as a little girl saying where would we be if your mercy and grace had not come to us. Praise god for his simple to hear God calling and saying I need you Lord and I want you Lord. Lead and guide me. Your faithfulness is never ending today as it has been.

Through the ages we are called chosen and faithful. All by God. This is only the start of the 27 years walking with the Lord. Be encouraged. We are not till he comes.

A servant – Edith Adam